BP News - Volume 14 REUPLOAD
Posted by BPNews on Nov 30th 2022, 3:23AM
Due to some ongoing drama with a staff member, our post was taken down and is currently undergoing investigation so we can get it reuploaded. To get the post back out to you, we are going to reupload as much as we can that is allowed on the website at this moment. Thanks for understanding.

Welcome to Volume #14 of BP News! Thank you for joining us today and please enjoy the article. We’ve got tons of news from crate updates to juicy drama, so we hope you enjoy.


Crates are extremely close to finally returning on BrickPlanet! Earlier today the CEO, Isaac, confirmed that he is working on the system and page for crates so that users will be able to purchase and open them. Another moderator, Fox, has also mentioned that the crates will be arriving “soon or early”. While we do not currently know the price of the crates, we are certain that it will be a Christmas themed crate. Keep an eye out for December 1st, since they may be releasing then!

Item Values

Multiple trading guilds have now published official item value lists for all traders to get an idea of the demand and value of the current rates in the shop. Notable value lists such as the one in PST can be found on their discord server, while others may be posted on the guild wall/description. With the addition of the economy update to see the leaderboards of values and networth, these values will come in handy.

Old Renders

A lot of old renders have popped up recently due to many avatars being discolored. If an avatar wears previously bugged hats and tools, they may experience a glitch in which their character changes colors completely to be a mix of white, purple, green and other vibrant colors. These old renders are documented in guilds such as “Old Render Hunters” where you can see various archived examples of these occurrences.

Identity Crisis?!?

Currently undergoing investigation - We hope to get this back out to you soon.

Thank you for reading our fourteenth volume! We hope you enjoyed thoroughly reading this latest segment of news and we will be back in our next volume. Please consider supporting us by joining our guild so you can keep up to date with our latest releases. Thank you again and goodbye!

Originally posted by Zann on Nov 30th 2022, 3:23AM
Posted by BPNews on Nov 30th 2022, 3:27AM
Thank you for this information. We actually plan on covering this in our volume that we plan on releasing later today.