Guild Recruiting Plaza [ Update! ]
3.0 (2 ratings)
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3 months ago
Last Updated
Are you a guild member recruiter, a guild finder, a business, or just a visitor? Join us now for an epic hangout!

- Booths can be claimed and abandoned.
- You can now add text or title.

Commands: (Please type, do not copy-paste)

/claimbooth - claims a booth
/abandonbooth - abandons the current booth and resets it
/changetitle 1 titletexthere
/changetext linenumber(1-7) linetexthere

So, basically:

Go to a booth, then click it or type /claimbooth.
Type /changetitle for your guild name or anything about your interest.

Use this example for the description of your booth:

/changetext 1 Hello, guys! This guild
/changetext 2 is all about clothing!
/changetext 3 So, join now!

Note: The line limit is 7 only.

Update = Shutdown

Scripted by: Lucideum
get close to booth and type /claimbooth
so sorry but doesnt let me claim a booth
Best game ever on BrickPlanet as of October 2 2023!
Note: If you feel laggy, pls lower your graphics
This is actually very nice! :)
Update 9/28/23

- Booth is now working!
- Claim Booth Function
- Abandon Booth Function

Super thank you for Lucideum for making this game working!
UPDATE: 9/26/23

- Early Release after creation
- 4 Booths added
- Detailed support
- Site created