Brickplanet Brickstars
Owner: rop  •  2 Members
The darkness rised and fog embraced the land, and up came Brickplanet. Knights were chosen that night to defeat the evil, and banished them away from the un... Read more
watch over our Iands
Our giveaway has ended, the universe is in safe hands, a new Brickstar has joined the crew, he will now watch over our lands. 'Blox Watch' Is our Brickstar chosen, He will protect us from the coldness, and never get frozen.
Everyone! Our Event of a 1000 Bits giveaway is hosted, to a winner and it ends in 1 day! That winner will be a part of the Brickstars. So if you haven't entered the giveaway, make sure to join this Guild so you can get a role whenever this giveaway ends and the winner is announced!
Everyone! Our Event of a 1000 Bits giveaway is hosted, to a winner. That winner will be a part of the Brickstars. So if you have entered the giveaway or is about to, make sure to join this Guild too so you can get a role whenever this giveaway ends and the winner is announced!
Darkness spreads across the land, heroes shall return and save us from evil hand! Our giveaway of 1000 Bits to a lucky winner, whoever is the chosen one, make sure we get dinner. Join the Brickstars and join if you will, we will always remember you, in our book and quill...
As Darkness rises, heroes shall return! A giveaway is launched... Those who enter it, and wins the prize will be a hero, and the evil dies. Join the brickstars and enter this event, join our legacy, make it worth the spent... 1000 bits to a lucky winner, whoever wins, is the new beginner...