Best BrickPlanet Joke Time Ever!!!
Posted by Jojo Remperas on Jul 10th 2023, 10:56AM
Joke Time!!!

This joke is all about Rick and Anet, enjoy!

Anet: Yohhh! Anet do you have a brick?
Rick: What brick? No I'm not hardware!
Anet: So do you have a plan now?
Rick: No I don't have a plan now! I only have a net
Anet: What Net?
Rick: InterNET!
Anet: I want to brick with you!
Rick: What brick?
Anet: We're break!
Rick: Omgosh! I need your LAN.
Anet: What Lan?
Rick: To join to you if I don't have interNET.

- See BrickPlanet is all around!!! Hahahahahaha