My gf broke up with me because I called her a heckin chonker
Posted by MrKha on Aug 23rd 2024, 11:16AM
My girlfriend and I have been dating for 4 years now since middle school. She's absolutely gorgeous and meeting her was definitely the best thing that's ever happened in my life. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end...

You see, my girlfriend is a little chubby and almost every day she would vent to me how uncomfortable she feels in her body, how much she hates it and how she wishes she was skinny just like me. Every time I try to confront her, it seems like everything I say is meaningless and falls flat. I decided the next time she would vent I would attempt to use a more "epic" method.

So, yesterday as usual, she was ranting about her body and stuff like that. Once she was do e that's when I told her "Don't worry babe, it's okay, you're a hecking chonker like big chungus!" I smiled at her, expecting a smile from her too, but all I got was a look of confusion. She started accusing me that I do not take her struggles seriously and we started arguing about the whole thing to the point where the neighbors from the nearby apartments had to knock on my door and complain. Finally, she left completely enraged.

A few hours ago, I got a message from her stating that she wants to break up. Despite trying to fix things by bringing up the funniest reddit memes I could come up with, nothing worked.
Posted by Raccoon on Aug 23rd 2024, 11:36AM
Damn, that's unfortunate bro. You'll find a better latina.