Roblox is a terrible game
Posted by MrSial on Oct 30th 2024, 10:12AM
Roblox is a terrible game, If you disagree, I will tell you some facts, About which Roblox itself is silent and shuts up other people's mouths:
1 Fact: No moderation, - In Roblox there is supposedly moderation - But whoever thinks so is far wrong!
As if behind this "Supposedly real moderation" there is a bot that bans innocent people / any people, And people who need to be punished - remain unpunished.
2 Fact: Terrible community and min@r$, - In this game the community / players have been spoiled for a long time, - that is, they can, for example, call you names, and harass you - in whatever Roblox game you are, and yes, all this for NO REASON!
3 Fact: Spitting on players. Here everything is immediately clear, Those who played roblox will understand, - In short - ROBLOX ABSOLUTELY DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT HAPPENS IN THE GAME!
Brick Planet is called "A TERRIBLE ROBLOX CLONE!" or something like that, But, Roblox fans! Reconsider the attitude, moderation, in these two games, And you will make a very important conclusion for yourself.

Good luck to everyone! :3
Posted by TwentyCharactersLong on Oct 30th 2024, 10:15AM
This is very long, can I get a shorter version?
Posted by MrSial on Oct 30th 2024, 10:57AM
Here's the short version:
Roblox is a terrible place.
Roblox is ruined by: Terrible attitude from the Roblox company itself,
Lack of proper moderation,
Terrible/$tupid players.
That's all.
Posted by Terence on Oct 30th 2024, 11:48AM
4. Stupid updates
Posted by EllernateFan on Oct 30th 2024, 12:18PM
I haven't played Roblox in a month or something
Posted by catlover98848 on Oct 30th 2024, 12:57PM
one time roblox warned me for only saying "tik tok"
Originally posted by Terence on Oct 30th 2024, 11:48AM
4. Stupid updates
Posted by MrSial on Oct 30th 2024, 1:11PM
That's right!
Posted by MrSial on Oct 30th 2024, 1:30PM
Thanks for point 4: Clubstep
!!!ATTENTION!!! This version of the text may contain errors due to poor translation!!!
Roblox is a terrible game, If you disagree, I will tell you a few facts, Which Roblox itself is silent about and shuts up others:
1 Fact: No moderation, - Roblox supposedly has moderation - But whoever thinks so is very wrong!
As if behind this "Supposedly real moderation" there is a bot that bans innocent people / any people, And people who need to be punished - remain unpunished.
2 Fact: Terrible community and min@r$, - In this game, the community / players have long been corrupted, - that is, they can, for example, call names, and stalk - no matter what Roblox game you are in, and yes, all this FOR NO REASON!
3 Fact: Spit on the players. Here everything is immediately clear, Anyone who played roblox will understand, - In short - ROBLOX ABSOLUTELY DOESN'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS IN THE GAME!
4 Fact: 4. Stupid updates, - Anyone who plays/played roblox for more than
3 or 2 months knows that roblox has TERRIBLE AND LOW-QUALITY UPDATES! For example: - Normal interface in the game. + Pathetic/? ****** buttons in the interface that NO ONE LIKED! And Roblox corporate, -
5 Fact: Too much censorship. It's obvious, - For those who don't understand what this point/fact is about, - It's about the fact
That the censorship block in the chat is just awful! There are so many ways to get around the swearing.
*That's it... I'M TIRED of writing this...
Brick Planet is called a "TERRIBLE ROBLOX CLONE!" or something like that, But, Roblox fans! Reconsider the attitude, moderation, in these two games, And you will make a very important conclusion for yourself.

Good luck to everyone! :3
Posted by MrSial on Oct 30th 2024, 1:30PM
Thanks for point 4: Clubstep
!!!ATTENTION!!! This version of the text may contain errors due to poor translation!!!
Roblox is a terrible game, If you disagree, I will tell you a few facts, Which Roblox itself is silent about and shuts up others:
1 Fact: No moderation, - Roblox supposedly has moderation - But whoever thinks so is very wrong!
As if behind this "Supposedly real moderation" there is a bot that bans innocent people / any people, And people who need to be punished - remain unpunished.
2 Fact: Terrible community and min@r$, - In this game, the community / players have long been corrupted, - that is, they can, for example, call names, and stalk - no matter what Roblox game you are in, and yes, all this FOR NO REASON!
3 Fact: Spit on the players. Here everything is immediately clear, Anyone who played roblox will understand, - In short - ROBLOX ABSOLUTELY DOESN'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS IN THE GAME!
4 Fact: 4. Stupid updates, - Anyone who plays/played roblox for more than
3 or 2 months knows that roblox has TERRIBLE AND LOW-QUALITY UPDATES! For example: - Normal interface in the game. + Pathetic/? ****** buttons in the interface that NO ONE LIKED! And Roblox corporate, -
5 Fact: Too much censorship. It's obvious, - For those who don't understand what this point/fact is about, - It's about the fact
That the censorship block in the chat is just awful! There are so many ways to get around the swearing.
*That's it... I'M TIRED of writing this...
Brick Planet is called a "TERRIBLE ROBLOX CLONE!" or something like that, But, Roblox fans! Reconsider the attitude, moderation, in these two games, And you will make a very important conclusion for yourself.

Good luck to everyone! :3
Posted by apzi on Oct 30th 2024, 2:25PM
Roblox should just shut down, it's infested with child predators now
Posted by 86 on Oct 30th 2024, 2:35PM
d1 crashout
Originally posted by apzi on Oct 30th 2024, 2:25PM
Roblox should just shut down, it's infested with child predators now
Posted by catlover98848 on Oct 30th 2024, 2:36PM
why would a multi-billion site just shutdown for no reason?? there is still people who enjoy roblox and devs aren't just gonna make themselves go out of a job and make employees go out of a job
Posted by JackNoble on Oct 30th 2024, 3:03PM
ok but theres still some good games ALSO
roblox is NOT a game, its a platform that holds other games
Posted by MrSial on Oct 30th 2024, 5:15PM
You are wrong, Those who write such hate comments about something like "Roblox is top and Brick Planet is cr@p!", They are far from right.
You just read the title and then started writing - that
"Roblox is a good game and you are just wrong!"
Please! Read my complaints FULLY TO THE END and then you will understand everything yourself and perhaps make the right decision!
All who are fans or belong to the community of this game/platform, - PLEASE! reconsider your choice.
Have a good evening everyone! :D
Originally posted by catlover98848 on Oct 30th 2024, 2:36PM
why would a multi-billion site just shutdown for no reason?? there is still people who enjoy roblox and devs aren't just gonna make themselves go out of a job and make employees go out of a job
Posted by Thugo982 on Nov 1st 2024, 3:37PM
That true that like saying youtube should shut down they can't it has millons of creators.
Posted by MrSial on Nov 2nd 2024, 6:53AM
The question is closed.