tinfoil is the best gal from brickplanet (Full this time)
Posted by Silenceman on Nov 18th 2022, 6:51PM
tinfoil is the best gal from brickplanet ok in the comments of brickplanet video i heard some GUY
saying "thank god tinfoil isnt in this game" well guess what IDIOT she IS in the game
in fact shes the first boss
tinfoil was originally just a pallet swap of bags, resulting from her name sounding like the japanese word
"rinroil" meaning bag's brother
but she later started being given other attributes such as isaac leg lasagna and other pallet swap
she would also go on to star in her own anime game called "bags is missing" which sees her opening isaacs shower
to save her brother, thats right tinfoil is the hero here as was she in tinfoil's mansion
haha laugh at bags because of how bad he is i bet bags couldn't rescue himself
at this point tinfoils popularity was so high, the admins had to make a bad version of tinfoil to help balance her out
now, did bags ever get a guy like this? NOPE
they even tried making her the villain in super paper bags but UH OH tinfoil saves the day yet again
you'd think in a game titled bags and tinfoil superstar saga they'd once again be equals, but no
in this game bags wants to be like tinfoil so bad he tries to turn into foil but dies, and then there
were no more of those games.
remember when brickplanet 64 came out? and tinfoil wasn't in it and there were all these rumors like
go to the back of the castle and do the bags and you'll unlock tinfoil as a playable character
those rumors turned out to be false and it went on to be the worst game in brickplanet history
even ign gave it a bad review which y'know at the time was a brickplanet fan site called splash, so
thats how you know they werent being biased
then they remade the game a year later with tinfoil in it, and the reception was through the roof!!
the game was so succesfull they launched a year of tinfoil campaign to celebrate all things tinfoil
we got a new tinfoil's mansion, a 6 thousandth new super bags, we got dr bags but with tinfoil in it
we got the new tinfoil rpg. they put out this really weird parkour video that lost like half a billion dollars
and terminated the dude who played him in the live action series, so if thats not a celebration i dont know what is
to top it all off tinfoil has a much better taste in women unlike bags, how many times has princess purse been kidnapped?
the counter on the website says a million, which is high as heck.
tinfoils boyfriend parchment paper on the other hand knows how to fend for himself
tinfoil may not have been in bags sunshine, but its ok because someone actually modded the game to add a co-op mode, which allows
another player to control shadow bags oh wait
but atleast in super bags odyessey theres gonna be a co-op mode that lets you control the ba, god da-
tinfoil will always be the best of the bags siblings she outshines bags in every way. bags always resorts to violence in order
to save the princess but tinfoil can get a hole in one almost
theres almost no competition between the two and i will not hesitate to block anyone who says tinfoil isn't the best brickplanet
character of all time.
but you know who's better than tinfoil? its thrashkitten ok thrashkitten is the best gal from brickplanet
Posted by thrashkitten on Nov 18th 2022, 6:53PM
yes thats me im the most mature forum user on brickplanet
Posted by tinfoil on Nov 18th 2022, 6:55PM