BP News - Volume 7
Posted by
Nov 19th 2022, 6:12AM
Hello Planterians, and welcome back to yet another BP News article! It's me, your host Winged, and this is going to be a short volume because there isn't a whole lot to cover related to BrickPlanet today. Let's get into the news that we have!
More and more assets!
There have slowly been more assets uploaded to the catalog on BrickPlanet, and this also means that more rares were added to the catalog! Some of these assets include Cave Monster Helm, Duck Cap, Halo, Police Cap, and Turtle Shell, and now we will talk about the new rares that have been added to the website!
New Rares
Classy White Fedora sold 112 copies and is currently selling for the lowest price of 5,000 credits. Clout Goggles sold 101 copies, and is currently selling for the lowest price of 2,149 credits. Black Bandana sold 71 copies and is currently selling for the lowest price of 2,222 credits. and finally, Vantablack Shades sold 36 copies and is selling for the lowest price of 30,000 credits, making this the rarest rare on the market as of 11/18/2022.
More shop features!
There has recently been a feature added to the page of selling rares, that lets you view the average sales price, volume, how much percentage is for sale, and how many assets are currently active (in circulation). There is also a history log showing which asset ID has been sold to which user, and for the price. This is sure to make things easier for users trying to trade!
Staff approve alt hoarding
Recently inside the BrickPlanet Discord, someone brought up the topic of alt-hoarding rares on the website. This basically means that you're taking the same item, but putting it on different accounts so you have more quantity. Staff at BrickPlanet have confirmed that they are allowing alt hoarding and that you can alt hoard with ONE alt account. If you go above that limit, you will be punished.
Thanks for reading another BP News volume! We're sorry that this volume was so short, but we're hoping to find more news and keep you guys updated all day, every day. If you find something important and you're interested in sharing it with us, send us a message on our guild! We read all replies. Speaking of guilds, you should join our guild!
See you later! ~ Winged
More and more assets!
There have slowly been more assets uploaded to the catalog on BrickPlanet, and this also means that more rares were added to the catalog! Some of these assets include Cave Monster Helm, Duck Cap, Halo, Police Cap, and Turtle Shell, and now we will talk about the new rares that have been added to the website!
New Rares
Classy White Fedora sold 112 copies and is currently selling for the lowest price of 5,000 credits. Clout Goggles sold 101 copies, and is currently selling for the lowest price of 2,149 credits. Black Bandana sold 71 copies and is currently selling for the lowest price of 2,222 credits. and finally, Vantablack Shades sold 36 copies and is selling for the lowest price of 30,000 credits, making this the rarest rare on the market as of 11/18/2022.
More shop features!
There has recently been a feature added to the page of selling rares, that lets you view the average sales price, volume, how much percentage is for sale, and how many assets are currently active (in circulation). There is also a history log showing which asset ID has been sold to which user, and for the price. This is sure to make things easier for users trying to trade!
Staff approve alt hoarding
Recently inside the BrickPlanet Discord, someone brought up the topic of alt-hoarding rares on the website. This basically means that you're taking the same item, but putting it on different accounts so you have more quantity. Staff at BrickPlanet have confirmed that they are allowing alt hoarding and that you can alt hoard with ONE alt account. If you go above that limit, you will be punished.
Thanks for reading another BP News volume! We're sorry that this volume was so short, but we're hoping to find more news and keep you guys updated all day, every day. If you find something important and you're interested in sharing it with us, send us a message on our guild! We read all replies. Speaking of guilds, you should join our guild!
See you later! ~ Winged
Posted by
Nov 19th 2022, 6:36AM
cool post lil bro
Posted by
Nov 19th 2022, 7:54AM
Good news post!
Posted by
Nov 19th 2022, 9:35PM
thanks for the news