Jumper needs to be stopped.
Posted by
Jan 22nd 2023, 4:39AM
"We have been raided by davo if you hope on the site you may see false information and hm saying the n word all his accounta were banned. Also street banned multiple users which rizy needs to unban"
Filip07 sent me this
1. I did not raid your site
2. I did not say the N word, that was grizler who hacked me by abusing the admin panel and you're just trying to hide the truth from your entire community
3. I don't care about brick town anymore, nor am I doing anything to you so just leave me alone.
Filip07 sent me this
1. I did not raid your site
2. I did not say the N word, that was grizler who hacked me by abusing the admin panel and you're just trying to hide the truth from your entire community
3. I don't care about brick town anymore, nor am I doing anything to you so just leave me alone.
Posted by
Jan 22nd 2023, 6:36AM
just leave jump alone that's not our problem, mate even if you give him more attention, you should not give him more attention just mind your own business and stop worrying about people