99 percent of people are useless
Posted by
Jan 27th 2023, 4:22AM
The masses ( majority of people, average to low IQ) go work meaningless jobs that will soon be replaced by automation. The vast majority are genetic garbage that work at dead end monotonous jobs. Education is not able to help them because the material is way over their heads. They are not able to apply what they have learned and so resort to lower paying fields. They panic when they can't find work because they are extremely limited mentally, hence they failed. The average IQ of 100 is enough to get by in life, be successful at carrying out glorified trivial tasks that AI and computers can accomplish in seconds. The masses get paid enough to survive, hence miserable existence.
Believe it or not, I view this world as a circus. An absolute joke of an existence, with governments having a blast at controlling their slaves (low IQ masses).
While they do realize their miserable existence, the masses (stupid people) have neither the intellectual capacity nor the required skills to change their current situation. To avoid this uncomfortable feeling, they delude themselves to think positively. Feeding lies to be happy with what they got, be humble, enjoy the basic things in life. Like opium, it blocks the senses, making it impossible for them to identify their own degeneracy.
The purpose of the post is to show that people in general, the masses, lead trivial lives. They consist of two layers: low IQ and average IQ. The low IQ, work trivial jobs. They already find existence challenging enough, i.e. they have difficulties keeping jobs, they can't find alternative ways to make a living, example: having a business. The concept of "human values" that you speak of, are only there to persuade you into thinking that your faults are okay. Example: it's okay that you failed an exam, it's okay that you can't hold down a job, etc. This is akin to accepting yourself, no matter how defective one actually is. "Values" are an arbitrary concept, claiming that everyone is special because of their "values" to help achieve a "motive" is meaningless. Example: Value to family, your pet, your coworkers, etc... are all very trivial. "Motives of human beings" is an illusionary concept, because it is dependent on "values". Thanks to this definition, this is why society nowadays is a circus show i.e. pedophiles, same *** relationships, etc, etc... Because they have "values".
The average IQ, are more flexible with job opportunities/business. But, assuming they went to university, the information they learned during their stay is usually way over their heads. As a result, they are educated beyond their level of intelligence, they are not able to apply what they have learned. They are not able to understand abstract concepts that could help reduce their workload, and help them work smarter. For these people, everything is achieved with time and effort.
The high IQ, are a different species altogether. We see all the flaws in this world, and dare not say a word of anything, only sometimes. Caution, mind police. We are as stuck in life as people with low/average IQ, with the difference being that we see the world as a gigantic circus. I am part of this last group.
Conclusion: If you are low IQ, please eliminate yourself. You will not be needed anymore, you are disposable.
Believe it or not, I view this world as a circus. An absolute joke of an existence, with governments having a blast at controlling their slaves (low IQ masses).
While they do realize their miserable existence, the masses (stupid people) have neither the intellectual capacity nor the required skills to change their current situation. To avoid this uncomfortable feeling, they delude themselves to think positively. Feeding lies to be happy with what they got, be humble, enjoy the basic things in life. Like opium, it blocks the senses, making it impossible for them to identify their own degeneracy.
The purpose of the post is to show that people in general, the masses, lead trivial lives. They consist of two layers: low IQ and average IQ. The low IQ, work trivial jobs. They already find existence challenging enough, i.e. they have difficulties keeping jobs, they can't find alternative ways to make a living, example: having a business. The concept of "human values" that you speak of, are only there to persuade you into thinking that your faults are okay. Example: it's okay that you failed an exam, it's okay that you can't hold down a job, etc. This is akin to accepting yourself, no matter how defective one actually is. "Values" are an arbitrary concept, claiming that everyone is special because of their "values" to help achieve a "motive" is meaningless. Example: Value to family, your pet, your coworkers, etc... are all very trivial. "Motives of human beings" is an illusionary concept, because it is dependent on "values". Thanks to this definition, this is why society nowadays is a circus show i.e. pedophiles, same *** relationships, etc, etc... Because they have "values".
The average IQ, are more flexible with job opportunities/business. But, assuming they went to university, the information they learned during their stay is usually way over their heads. As a result, they are educated beyond their level of intelligence, they are not able to apply what they have learned. They are not able to understand abstract concepts that could help reduce their workload, and help them work smarter. For these people, everything is achieved with time and effort.
The high IQ, are a different species altogether. We see all the flaws in this world, and dare not say a word of anything, only sometimes. Caution, mind police. We are as stuck in life as people with low/average IQ, with the difference being that we see the world as a gigantic circus. I am part of this last group.
Conclusion: If you are low IQ, please eliminate yourself. You will not be needed anymore, you are disposable.
Posted by
Jan 27th 2023, 5:54AM
we have found an irl super villain..... nice
Posted by
_D r-Ultra
Jan 27th 2023, 6:29AM
Ah yes. My favorite Brick Planet topic. Eugenics, and Friedrich Nietzsche's, "Super Man"...
Posted by
_D r-Ultra
Jan 27th 2023, 6:32AM
Fr though I hope to god no poor kid actually buys this; and I pray that this is just a dumb joke. Even if this is a stupid copy pasta arguments like this can be damaging and manipulative of those who don't know how to protect themselves against extreme ideology.

Originally posted by
_D r-Ultra
on Jan 27th 2023, 6:32AM
Fr though I hope to god no poor kid actually buys this; and I pray that this is just a dumb joke. Even if this is a stupid copy pasta arguments like this can be damaging and manipulative of those who don't know how to protect themselves against extreme ideology.
Posted by
Jan 27th 2023, 7:16AM
yeah true