What is the difference between all bp channels?
Posted by Alt on Feb 5th 2023, 9:14AM
"General Discussion" is a channel for discussions about various topics on the Brickplanet forum. "Game & Scripting Discussion" is a channel for discussions related to scripting and games within the platform. "Marketplace" is a channel for buying and selling items within the platform. "Help" is a channel for seeking help with issues related to the platform. "Suggestions" is a channel for making suggestions and feedback for improving the platform. "Guilds" is a channel for discussion and collaboration between members of specific groups within the platform.
Originally posted by Alt on Feb 5th 2023, 9:14AM
"General Discussion" is a channel for discussions about various topics on the Brickplanet forum. "Game & Scripting Discussion" is a channel for discussions related to scripting and games within the platform. "Marketplace" is a channel for buying and selling items within the platform. "Help" is a channel for seeking help with issues related to the platform. "Suggestions" is a channel for making suggestions and feedback for improving the platform. "Guilds" is a channel for discussion and collaboration between members of specific groups within the platform.
Posted by PurpleSecretAgent on Feb 5th 2023, 10:44AM