do you guys sleep with a night light
Posted by
Feb 5th 2023, 10:22AM
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Any general topics related to BrickPlanet should be posted here.
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Feb 5th 2023, 3:28PM
im more worried about older devices becoming damaged and exploding rather than if there are sleep paralysis demons in my room
this is why my phones that show signs of battery degradation arent used because it is a safety risk
and no i do not, not even my phone because i know some of you sleep with it next to you or under your pillow and thats probably gonna make the battery worse because you will drop it or it will get too hot
this is why my phones that show signs of battery degradation arent used because it is a safety risk
and no i do not, not even my phone because i know some of you sleep with it next to you or under your pillow and thats probably gonna make the battery worse because you will drop it or it will get too hot