Bp rares
Posted by Abyssal on Feb 13th 2023, 1:02AM
I’ve had the brickplanet site loaded up on my safari browser on IOS for over 24 hours. At first, I thought all the rares that dropped were mid, so every time a new rare dropped and had over 30 owners, I would start to feel disappointed and sick. But then I remembered Pavlov, and thought that I could condition myself into viewing these rares as a classic. When the mid rare concrete chains would drop, and 50+ owners would purchase the horrendous rare, I’d do something to release endorphins. Eating donuts, consuming opiates, sexual stimulation, bungee jumping, that sort of thing. At this point, I absolutely love every rare to have ever been released. Even without a self administered endorphin release. This site’s cosmetic item gallery is now in my top 3 of all sandboxes. I recommend playing around with your brain a little bit, and soon you’ll see all rares as holy artifacts presented by a god.