Characteristics have meanings
Posted by PurpleSecretAgent on Feb 17th 2023, 7:04PM
In our world, where we live in a society of multitude different people's race, ethnicity, culture, & etc. Our lives matter with a valuable quality that you should take care of yourself without waste, life might be short as the time flies by but during those period, you spend your time at such activities like studying, family reunion, vacation and more. One of interesting facts about "yourself" is a variety of characteristics that is within your DNA, the reason you got them in the first place is because one of your ancestors who already had it which making them as a responsible for creating a unique trait for you. Sometimes, there might be some things that we feel like it's lacking or missing from us and you're trying to aim for that thing as your life's achievement. However, our world isn't meant to be a facile place where our expectations would come out that easily without some efforts. There'll be always challenges in our way to confront and no matter how rough your hardship gets because without them as our life's aspects, you'd never learn and improve "yourself". Therefore, give your life more value, say thanksgiving to your relatives and friends, be faithful and accept the fact that you're born as an imperfect human as everyone else.