List of functions?
Posted by MaxT on Feb 22nd 2023, 8:58PM
I don't have anything to work with in the workshop, because there is no list of functions.

I see that you can use the scripted vehicle for help, but it doesn't have much, I only learned that the AddForce function exists.

But how do I know how to reference a player, get player information, recognize mouse input, recognize a respawning player, etc? All languages that I worked with gave you "possibilities" when you write something, wish it was like this here too.
Posted by Hivemind on Feb 23rd 2023, 12:18AM
Here is the documentation for BP

It's better than nothing but some of it is straight up wrong / misleading
Originally posted by Hivemind on Feb 23rd 2023, 12:18AM
Here is the documentation for BP

It's better than nothing but some of it is straight up wrong / misleading
Posted by PurpleSecretAgent on Feb 25th 2023, 8:58PM
I hope.