Something is seriously wrong with women
Posted by 45 on Mar 10th 2023, 5:04PM
Ive been off the dating apps for a while now but before the 2020s, I would go on there sometimes and find nice girls to chat to and go out on dates with. I started trying again 2 months ago and I've gotten matches but literally only one of the chicks has even given me a chance to start a convo with her and even she deleted me after I took a day off from my phone and didn't respond to her. The others who unmatched me never even responded to me, even the ones who liked me first on tinder. I've tried all the approaches - just a general greeting if they've nothing in their bio ; start off with a joke ; ask them about their hobbies ; comment on a picture they have etc. but none of this works. Gulp Women really have become *****ing brain dead and only respond to 8/10s aggressively sexting them. There's so many profiles that just flat out say that give them your best pick up line(literally the worst way to filter guys) or they're bragging about how well they suck *****. Society is very close to collapsing and it's been an honour serving with some of my fellow brothers here but the ones who come here to call me an incel and simp for these nonexistent women can go hang themselves and accelerate the process. Female rights has been THE biggest con pushed on the white man
Posted by Retro on Mar 10th 2023, 5:06PM
i hope you get user of the week
Posted by 10 on Mar 11th 2023, 11:57PM
jit got rejected