Best ways to get started on BRICK PLANET
Posted by
Mar 17th 2023, 9:04PM
So if you are new welcome to BRICK PLANET here are a few tips to become a great Brick Planeter.
Let's start with the basics: Be polite, follow the TOS and DON'T start rumours to become popular it doesn't work instead it makes you disliked!
Now onto how to make your avatar look supernova (Astro Jokes), make it themed around your favourite type of item. Mine is a top hat so I have this tall top hat that is blue. I then theme the colour scheme around that hat.
Now how to make good forum posts. You do these by making the theme equal throughout. Also, sign your name at the bottom Good luck with your Brick Planet experience.
Let's start with the basics: Be polite, follow the TOS and DON'T start rumours to become popular it doesn't work instead it makes you disliked!
Now onto how to make your avatar look supernova (Astro Jokes), make it themed around your favourite type of item. Mine is a top hat so I have this tall top hat that is blue. I then theme the colour scheme around that hat.
Now how to make good forum posts. You do these by making the theme equal throughout. Also, sign your name at the bottom Good luck with your Brick Planet experience.