Welcome to the Polytoria Unban Podcast.
Posted by
May 22nd 2023, 6:17PM
I am currently on day 5 of waiting to be unbanned, I have not bugged anyone after my chat with green.
I today's segment, I talk about why Polytoria's new website is much better than Brick Hill's New Layout.
I saw Polytoria's layout, and it looks way much better than brick-hill. It looks like Superium and pOlytoria combined, with some parts borrowed from ROBLOX and some new features. I saw what the settings page looked like because I had to make a new account to talk to green. Obviously that new account is banned, but I didn't even verify my email on it. But still, they added YouTube handles? Cool. I also noticed that they went back to the old item render, which looks pefect. Unlike Brick Hill, Polytoria's new layout makes you want to belong there. brick hill's new layout is not that great and could use some improvement.
Okay I am going to go back to eating my doritos flamas bye
I today's segment, I talk about why Polytoria's new website is much better than Brick Hill's New Layout.
I saw Polytoria's layout, and it looks way much better than brick-hill. It looks like Superium and pOlytoria combined, with some parts borrowed from ROBLOX and some new features. I saw what the settings page looked like because I had to make a new account to talk to green. Obviously that new account is banned, but I didn't even verify my email on it. But still, they added YouTube handles? Cool. I also noticed that they went back to the old item render, which looks pefect. Unlike Brick Hill, Polytoria's new layout makes you want to belong there. brick hill's new layout is not that great and could use some improvement.
Okay I am going to go back to eating my doritos flamas bye