this user is harassing me.
Posted by QD on May 23rd 2023, 2:22AM

He's sending threats to me saying he will hack my Polytoria and he's talking about inappropriate stuff

Get out of the past and get out of my DMS man also you can't hack my Polytoria the moderators will know
Originally posted by QD on May 23rd 2023, 2:47AM
Oh, that's alright, I apologized to him first. Also the drama is done, once I come back to Polytoria there won't be any drama.

I only made this post because it's a serious matter about this troublemaking adult named testet who is ban evading on this website, making alt accounts to harass me.
Posted by ThatRetroGamer on May 23rd 2023, 2:49AM
bruh again rly
Originally posted by isabella on May 23rd 2023, 2:45AM
He just wants to apologize for fueling the fire of your drama
Posted by isabella on May 23rd 2023, 2:49AM
Birdie. Himeguts. Kittydog. These are all names of people who had drama including doxxing. Blackmailing. And, abuse. They were just children being dumb online. It wasnt their fault. And so, he would like to apologize.
Originally posted by QD on May 23rd 2023, 2:47AM
Oh, that's alright, I apologized to him first. Also the drama is done, once I come back to Polytoria there won't be any drama.

I only made this post because it's a serious matter about this troublemaking adult named testet who is ban evading on this website, making alt accounts to harass me.
Posted by isabella on May 23rd 2023, 2:50AM
Ok good
Originally posted by isabella on May 23rd 2023, 2:49AM
Birdie. Himeguts. Kittydog. These are all names of people who had drama including doxxing. Blackmailing. And, abuse. They were just children being dumb online. It wasnt their fault. And so, he would like to apologize.
Posted by ThatRetroGamer on May 23rd 2023, 2:50AM
kitty cat is ur bro right
Originally posted by ThatRetroGamer on May 23rd 2023, 2:50AM
kitty cat is ur bro right
Posted by isabella on May 23rd 2023, 2:53AM
Yes hes my brother