Explaining Akko The Polytoria User - QD Explains
Posted by QD on May 25th 2023, 5:27AM
As you saw my my previous post, I talked about another one of my ex-friends. The obsessed one. I'm gonna explain how I even got to this point where he's trying to even stalk me. Let's begin, shall we?

Around 1 and a half years ago, when I joined Polytoria, I invited him to the website. In the first months, he wasn't very active. He started being super active on the site in Early-July 2022, and he used to be very chill. I've been this guys friend for 4 years.

Then, in September, during the occuring Davo drama, I kept bugging him about the Fake Davo channel, asking if he could comment on his videos (I was so stupid back then) and a while after, he blocked me on all social media. But that wasn't the worst part.

After My ex-friends told him the half-lies about me, this guy became obsessed with me. He would start stalking my profile on Polytoria constantly, screenshot every single forum post I made and would send it to a Group Chat on discord with SleepyMico, Epiphany, and Jumper21367. This eventually led to me being banned, however, it didn't stop there. In December, he kept harassing Jnieto Gaming, demanding her to invite him to my now deleted discord server, and when he joined he started harassing me and said that I had no friends and he also started screenshotting my server and sending it to that same group chat. The only reason he's not banned on Polytoria for this is because this was technically off-site, but oh well. If they won't ban him, then I gotta put up with him. I'll be messaging him once I'm back on site, informing him on how he can avoid further drama between me.
Originally posted by QD on May 25th 2023, 5:27AM
As you saw my my previous post, I talked about another one of my ex-friends. The obsessed one. I'm gonna explain how I even got to this point where he's trying to even stalk me. Let's begin, shall we?

Around 1 and a half years ago, when I joined Polytoria, I invited him to the website. In the first months, he wasn't very active. He started being super active on the site in Early-July 2022, and he used to be very chill. I've been this guys friend for 4 years.

Then, in September, during the occuring Davo drama, I kept bugging him about the Fake Davo channel, asking if he could comment on his videos (I was so stupid back then) and a while after, he blocked me on all social media. But that wasn't the worst part.

After My ex-friends told him the half-lies about me, this guy became obsessed with me. He would start stalking my profile on Polytoria constantly, screenshot every single forum post I made and would send it to a Group Chat on discord with SleepyMico, Epiphany, and Jumper21367. This eventually led to me being banned, however, it didn't stop there. In December, he kept harassing Jnieto Gaming, demanding her to invite him to my now deleted discord server, and when he joined he started harassing me and said that I had no friends and he also started screenshotting my server and sending it to that same group chat. The only reason he's not banned on Polytoria for this is because this was technically off-site, but oh well. If they won't ban him, then I gotta put up with him. I'll be messaging him once I'm back on site, informing him on how he can avoid further drama between me.
Posted by ThatRetroGamer on May 25th 2023, 10:54AM
huh this sounds kinda similar
Posted by ThatRetroGamer on May 25th 2023, 10:57AM
i remember this thats why