things that brickplanet should do (if it doesn't shutdown)
Posted by myat on Jun 5th 2023, 11:47PM
-Actually focus on the development of the game
Thats all
Posted by cov on Jun 6th 2023, 1:53AM
I do believe they are trying to focus on the game development, itself.

Though focusing on it, requires a team, which they are conveniently hiring, sire. If you have experience in the sorts of roles advertised in the discord. It will assist isaac greatly with the development and release of BrickPlanet.
Originally posted by cov on Jun 6th 2023, 1:53AM
I do believe they are trying to focus on the game development, itself.

Though focusing on it, requires a team, which they are conveniently hiring, sire. If you have experience in the sorts of roles advertised in the discord. It will assist isaac greatly with the development and release of BrickPlanet.
Posted by EllernateFan on Jun 6th 2023, 3:17AM
They should hire more people to moderate and build the site

*cough* me *cough*