Keeping track of everything EpLcXDavo has done to me
Posted by
Jun 7th 2023, 4:14AM
- He tried to post my info
- He started fake swat raids
- He tried scaring me by using a stolen email address to email my old email
- He emailed my epicxdavo buisness email using stolen emails
- He lied to YouTube
- He called me the N-Word then tried to get me to say it
- He spammed innapropriate material in my dms
This goes on but i'll end it here
Once I go inactive I'm adding 2fa so you can't hack me.
- He started fake swat raids
- He tried scaring me by using a stolen email address to email my old email
- He emailed my epicxdavo buisness email using stolen emails
- He lied to YouTube
- He called me the N-Word then tried to get me to say it
- He spammed innapropriate material in my dms
This goes on but i'll end it here
Once I go inactive I'm adding 2fa so you can't hack me.
Posted by
Jun 7th 2023, 5:49AM
Legit almost everyone on discord wants you banned
I made a suggestion to ban you and it got like 8 or 9 likes, then isaac replied to me when I posted the link to the suggestion and he said great suggestion.
Leave, leave, leave and never come back.
We are tired of the constant spamming and drama from you.
You aren't the center of attention like you want to be.
Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Gooooo
I made a suggestion to ban you and it got like 8 or 9 likes, then isaac replied to me when I posted the link to the suggestion and he said great suggestion.
Leave, leave, leave and never come back.
We are tired of the constant spamming and drama from you.
You aren't the center of attention like you want to be.
Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Gooooo
Posted by
Jun 7th 2023, 8:10AM
Please leave Brick Planet.
Posted by
Jun 7th 2023, 3:30PM
turn on 2fa and just leave us alone we don't want anything from you nor care about this stupid drama