town Town TOwn TOWn TOWN
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WIP Town Map

Thank you to InsDel for providing car scripts :D
Hm that actually does sound pretty good
That was the past, this is the future. People change! Get your money up at BrickPlanet Holdings Inc. A very legit and trusted bank PROVEN to give a 6% APY return!
Brickplanet Holdings, Inc. is a front used by the Bloods gang to launder money!! Weasel yourself out of that one, hooligan!!
I am only affiliated with BrickPlanet Holdings Inc. A very legit and trusted bank!
FAKE NEWS! Zann is PRIVATELY AFFILIATED with the feared BLOODS gang!!!! Do not trust anything this man says!
Hivemind works for the insurance scam support.
Hivemind works in insurance, so he's always trying to get us to extend insurance, don't listen to him!
What Zann has stated is 100% correct and I have been driven over too many times in the game!!!!!
v This is FALSE misinformation from a VERIFIED criminal